Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Peyton's echo of her heart was good!  Her hypertension had gone down to where it needed to be for her surgery.  At rounds today, we were getting excited because they said that they would do the surgery on Thursday.  However, Peyton developed a skin infection.  The infection is like little red marks on the skin that peels off.  It is not everywhere, just in a couple of different places.  It is kind of like a sunburn.  This is something that happens from time to time in CDH babies, and even babies that do not have CDH.  This has pushed her surgery back though.  It will be 1 1/2 to 2 weeks out if it clears up.  She was started on an antibiotic that has to run its course for 7 days.  Although Allen and I were disappointed because WE are so ready for her surgery so we can start working towards other things, it's not up to us, it is up to Peyton and when SHE is ready.  Peyton has to bring her best game face when she heads to surgery, and if its not now, its not now.  Everything happens for a reason, and we will not be given anything that we can't handle.  Let's just hope and pray that her infection doesn't get any worse, usually you will see the worst of it within the first 24 hours.  I will definitely keep everyone updated through the course of  this.  Love Yall!

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